Friday, June 3, 2011

What is the best way to exchange money when traveling to mexico?

And how much should be exchange ahead of time to have on hand once we land at the airport to pay cabs, etc?What is the best way to exchange money when traveling to mexico?You can exchange at the airport if you are flying. Then I think most any bank or hotel can exchangethe moeny for you. A lot of the debit/atm cards are accepted down there in the ATMs. So I would get large amounts of money out at once and only have to pay the fee one time. Better than having a ton of US (or whatever) money stashed away in a drawer.

In order to do an easy conversion for cabs and stuff, just think about what you would pay in the US (5 dollars?) then multiply that by ten. Then you would have to have 50 pesos on hand. When I studied in Guanajuato I think the taxi rides across a kind of smallish town cost about 20 pesos... Everything costs just cheaper than it does here. I think a 30 min cab ride to the city from the airport cost would cost about $30 american, so that would be 300 pesos.What is the best way to exchange money when traveling to mexico?I do not reccomend exchanging.Besides you get a better deal if U pay with dollars than pesos. If you pay with pesos you buy the dollar at $1.00 per 10 pesos, if you pay with dollars, they get your dollar at for like 11 + pesos. Its better to just use dollars.

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What is the best way to exchange money when traveling to mexico?Go to your bank a few days before you need the money and get Mexican Pesos.

Exchanging in Mexico or in an international airport will not get you as good a rate.

You can also use your credit card in Mexico. AMX usually has the best exchange rates.What is the best way to exchange money when traveling to mexico?I would say go specifically to an exchange rate place. The rates at airports and banks in Mexico is not the best. Take a look around first to a couple of places so you can find the best one.What is the best way to exchange money when traveling to mexico?You can use your bank debit card in a lot of countries now, too. But I wouldn't count on it unless you are going to a big city.What is the best way to exchange money when traveling to mexico?I have been to Mexico bunch of times and I would do it when your crossing the border or right when you get off your flight , the airport will probably have one; I really don't know lots of places in Mexico that take credit cards or etc. Unless it is a place where lots of tourists go!!!!!!!!!

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