Friday, June 3, 2011

How would you feel about hosting a foreign exchange student in your home?

I am directing this question not only at Americans but at all nationalities who might read the question and have thoughts about the subject.

This year my family is hosting two students, one from Germany and one from Hong Kong, both girls. In the past we have hosted two boys from Germany, one boy from Korea, and one girl each from Germany and Hong Kong. This is our third full year to host, and we also hosted for a partial year.

Our son was a foreign exchange student in Germany for a year.

We have had exceptional kids to work with. The experiences have been incredible and we are connected to all of our past and present kids.

Would you consider hosting a child from a foreign land?How would you feel about hosting a foreign exchange student in your home?I'm on my 13th! Our first just as an arrival family. I have four Danes, three Germans, two Swedes, two Swiss, one Finn and one Brasilian!

As you can tell, we love it. We've also had exceptional students to work with as well ... and we wouldn't trade any of them!

To top it all off, we spent our 25th anniversary on a three-week tour of Europe visiting many of them!

Hosting not only gives you a new son or daughter, but it gives you a whole new family as well!

The one thing that concerns me about your question however, is that it ALMOST seems like a recruitment of host families. I'm sure you really didn't mean it that way, but I certainly would NOT be looking for families for students on the Internet!

Congratulations on your international family!How would you feel about hosting a foreign exchange student in your home?I have hosted off/on for 15 yrs. Some have been great and others not so great. We are hosting now, had 4 but three moved-selfish-went to their school said we didn't feed them so they could move closer to school-after we had taken them on a trip to Colorado. I spent $400 on groceries so they lied.

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How would you feel about hosting a foreign exchange student in your home?Also would like to add, we like hosting, most of the time. These 3 who left were through a private school, not through a program that uses public schools. We will probably continue hosting.

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How would you feel about hosting a foreign exchange student in your home?Yea I'd definitely consider doing that. It sounds fun, although I don't think living with me would be the %26quot;American experience%26quot; they were probably looking for. Home, School, Work, and Sleep....

And hey if the female exchange students are hott, it wouldn't hurt to have some eye candy around the house.How would you feel about hosting a foreign exchange student in your home?Yes. My family's hosted 2 Japanese exchange students, 1 German exchange student and 2 German interns. I enjoy it although it can be annoying to pick and send the kids to school or when they make something for tea and not clean up!

I was also an exchange student abroad.

I have my own place now and would like to host an exchange student again but I doubt any of the organisations would let a single lady of 22 to host any;) Exchange students can also be expensive! Besides board and food, you have to take them out (which I enjoy) and where I'm from, we pay for everything and usually even give the kids an allowance (not because we HAVE to but because we want to.. it's like my parents give me an allowance so it would be unfair if they didn't give their temporarily adopted 'son' his allowance!).

Whoops, back to the question: I would definitely host an exchange student.How would you feel about hosting a foreign exchange student in your home?Yes, I'd definitely do it.

I have an overseas scholarship programme I run for primary aged Thai students. We rely on the kindness of western people to host our children. In my experience, families who are 'in it for the money' really turn out to be the worst families. Those looking to gain something other than profit out of the experience are always the better ones. It's often the way that the family wants their own child to meet children from other cultures, so therefore offer to host one of our children.

To me, you sound like someone who is involved for the benefit of those students you are hosting. That is a truly selfless attribute to you as a human, well done.How would you feel about hosting a foreign exchange student in your home?I would love to do that, but our house is only two bedrooms and they are both full of stuff. Kudos to you!How would you feel about hosting a foreign exchange student in your home?We are hosting right now. This is our 5th student and she is PERFECT! She's eager to learn about...everything. Right now she's watching American football and trying to learn the rules. She brought her camera and is making a scrapbook. She tries any food we cook, she's making friends in school, just everything is perfect! The other 4 we hosted in the past were utter nightmares so I still can't recommend hosting to people because the odds of getting another spoiled selfish brat who doesn't want to be here is just too high.

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