Friday, September 23, 2011

How do I get involved in a foreign exchange program?

I'm interested in being apart of some kind of foreign exchange program (high school), where I can go to a school in a different country for a semester, something like that. I have no idea how to apply for it nor if I can apply for. I'm from the state of Florida if that helps, and I am in a Private school.How do I get involved in a foreign exchange program?Just be careful on Yahoo Answers ... many of the %26quot;reps%26quot; are paid to recruit new students and troll this forum looking for questions similar to this.

Anyway ... a google search will bring up plenty of programs (well, the are actually companies, not programs).

From personal experience, stay away from YFU. They are not very helpful or eager to act if something goes wrong with your arrangements or your exchange. Additionally, others have told me that many of the bios (hosts and students) are 100% fiction. It is not fun to find out that your family has 5 dogs, if you told YFU you are allergic, and then nothing happens, but a bunch of excuses.

Not to mention YFU is one of the most expensive.How do I get involved in a foreign exchange program?It depends, firstly a lot of my friends are in or have been in foreign exchange and they ALL say its not worth it to go for a semester, but rather definitely go for a year if you can manage! Good programs include the Rotary Club and EF, I personally prefer Rotary Club and am going to try and go with them. Google Rotary Club youth exchange and read the brochure for students, I hope it helps. It really did for me. :)

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