Friday, September 23, 2011

How should I prepare for my foreign exchange student?

Soooo, I'm getting a foreign exchange student from Japan for this coming school year, and I'm really nervous!!! I'm like, super excited since I won't be the only kid in the house anymore, but I fear that he might not like me. O_O Is there anything I should do to prepare myself/the house for his arrival?How should I prepare for my foreign exchange student?That is very exciting, congratulations! So when he comes it is important to make him feel comfortable, with your family try to learn common phrases in Japanese. Do keep in mind however that the idea for the foreign exchange student is for them to learn English since they are studying abroad over hear. Give them a few days of rest since many of these types of trips are very long and can cause much exhaustion. Show him around your community and visit popular places. This is a very exciting and wonderful experience in which you too will learn a lot about their culture!

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