Monday, October 24, 2011

My company uses Microsoft exchange. I want to store my current mail Locally and start fresh?

My company uses Microsoft exchange. I want to store my current mail Locally and start fresh?

Long story short my company says I'm over my limit and I must delete old stuff. I don't want to delete old stuff. I want to be a pack rat and keep it all, and have immediate access to it. How do i go about this? I'm good with tutorials if you find one. I'm using Outlook 2003My company uses Microsoft exchange. I want to store my current mail Locally and start fresh?Set up AutoArchive, a standard feature in Outlook. It takes old emails and moves them off the exchange server and onto your hard drive. You're company will be happy cause you clear the space on the server and you will be happy cause you get to keep all your emails.My company uses Microsoft exchange. I want to store my current mail Locally and start fresh?Using Outlook, You can export you entire Mailbox to a Personal Folder on your local hard drive. The Exchange server does not modify these Personal Folders.

Check out the link below. It will help you to backup your entire mailbox and create personal folders.

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